Friday, August 10, 2012

The Handkerchief

The lace edged handkerchief was the story of her life - the ‘something new’ tucked in her trousseau, the touch of comfort drying her daughter’s tears and now her banner waving one final goodbye.

Written for the Trifextra Week 28 Challenge -  
Give us 33 words (exactly) that tell us three different uses for one object.


  1. So touching. I wish the days of ladies carrying their lace hankies would make a comeback. There's just something so feminine about it. (I carried my grandma's hanky when I married)

  2. I was worried for a minute, but I guess all brides cry on the big day. Touching is the right word. Nice.

  3. Oh my! I'll be drying tears of my own when my daughter gets married. Right now I'm welling up just thinking about her leaving home this Tuesday for...kindergarten. Wah! Well done.

  4. I still have one in my bag every day. Well done, Tiger! Great use of the prompt. I wish I had thought of it!

  5. What a beautiful object that can be passed down the generations. We don't see them around much anymore. Nice response to the prompt!

  6. Oh just perfect.

    Anna :o] at

  7. Wonderful meaning and sentiment for a small fragile piee of cloth. You captured each moment perfectly. Thanks for sharing this!

  8. I loved that gentle ending. The whole piece gave me the sense of an earlier time.

  9. This reminded me of my grandma and how my husband keeps asking why I keep her old handkerchiefs. For exactly those sort of moments, obviously.
    Thanks for sharing this with us. We hope to see you back tomorrow for the new challenge.
