Saturday, July 28, 2012

Trifextra Week 26 Weekend Challenge

Charles remembered being terrified of witches as a child, afraid of being stolen from his bed in the night, which made it particularly challenging to understand how he was now married to one.

Written for the Trifextra Week 26 Challenge - a 33 word opening line to your book.


  1. Interesting twist. I would also like to know how he ended up married to a witch.

  2. Their relationship is going to be complex and I forsee many conflicts! I'd love to read this.

  3. Loved this - Asks the obvious question why--and how.

  4. Ha! I would be very curious as to whether he thinks she's a literal or metaphorical witch.

  5. I love this unexpected twist! Nice touch. Very nice!

  6. Sounds like this could be very funny or do I just have a strange sense of humor?

  7. Ha! I'm laughing because I just tucked my daughter in, despite her insistence that it is too scary to sleep alone and who knows what's coming to get her and yaddi yah. I had those childish fears in my mind for the opening of this, but then to find the man married to a witch--well, that is something to be afraid of. Great job with the prompt!

  8. How, indeed? I would love to read this story!

  9. I'm with birdiesiview - I'm thinking it's going to be tongue-in-cheek.

    More please!

    So, I am reading through all these amazing posts, thanks to Trifecta.

    I'm a new fan and follower.

    Will be back, for sure!


  10. Ooo - I would read this in a heartbeat. Totally intriguing!

  11. Tongue in cheek or deadly serious, I'm still amused and curious about Charlie's predicament.
